Ottawa, ON K2C 2B8
"O Lord, you hear the desire of the afflicted; you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, so that man who is of the earth may strike terror no more".
Psalm 10: 17-18
The Trinity Justice Committee, formerly known as the Church in Society Committee, looks at social justice issues from a Christian perspective and asks “How would Jesus have viewed our current world? Justice ministry has been an integral part of Trinity for decades. The Church in Society was originally formed in December 1982. The Justice Committee mandate has always focused on raising awareness of the more pressing injustices of the day and encourage the congregation to take action.
What follows is a brief “History” of the Trinity United Church Justice Committee and the social justice issues we have addressed over the last 33 years.
Chair: Jane McKeague
Projects/Issues Addressed
A Christian alternative for the environment
Amnesty International- letter writing
Walk around the world for Peace and Walk a mile in my shoes (Poverty)
Sanctuary Service – Children in Poverty
A Refugee sub-committee formed
Chair: Jane McKeague
Amnesty International letter writing
Protesting the War in the Gulf through letter writing
Presentation on problems in the Health Care System
Presentation on Refugee sponsorships
1992 and 1993
Chair: Jane McKeague
Auto-free Ottawa
Racisim in Canada
Amnesty International Letter writing
Co-Chairs: Barbara Fraser, Pam Sheehan
Amnesty International Intl. Letter writing
“A New World Revolution” -World Injustice
Toxic Waste Day- 5 Carloads collected
L’Arche Home- Facilities for disabled persons – Guest speaker
Co-Chairs: Barbara Fraser, Pam Sheehan
Amnesty Intl. Letter Writing
Ontario Ministry Cutbacks to services provided for mentally disabled adults
Toxic Waste collection day
Racism and experiences of New Immigrants (guest speaker)
Impact of social Services cuts on City of Ottawa (guest speaker)
Sanctuary Service- The Carlington Chaplaincy
C0-Chairs: Barbara Fraser, Pam Sheehan
Affordable housing
Support of grocery voucher program
Toxic Waste Day
Sanctuary Service addressing Ontario social services cuts
Amnesty Intl. letter writing
Speakers on topics of Racism and East Timor situation
Assumed Interim responsibility for the M&S fund
Chair: Alex McKeague
Sanctuary service- The Environment, petition circulated
Amnesty Intl. letter writing
Health Care situation- addressing government cuts
Child poverty
Toxic Waste issues
Carlington Chaplaincy theme for sanctuary service
Co-Chairs: Liz Tyrwhitt, Alex McKeague
Poverty, health care and aboriginal issues
Sanctuary service on poverty (speaker- Senator Landon Pearson)
Effects of downloading and restructuring on disadvantaged persons (guest speaker- Alex Munter)
Hosted dinner and raised $865 for Aboriginal Healing Fund
Amnesty Int. letter writing
Petitions coordinated for nuclear disarmament and Health Care change
Chair: Alex McKeague
Jubilee 2000- Restoration of balance between rich and poor across the globe and consumerism and care for the environment
Call on G7 to cancel debt to poor nations
Pam Sheehan/Rev. Glen Stoudt participated in exchange to “sister” church in Germany including a proposal to establish a Jubilee Fund
Medicare themed event- Speakers- Marlene Catterall, Alex Cullen and Dr. Pat Armstrong
Petitions coordinated for Healthcare, Nuclear Disarmament, Well-Being of Canada’s Children
Coordination of on-going grocery fund
Co-Chairs: Linda Hearty, Judi McLaren
(3) coffee and conversations on theme- What is wealth? The growing gap and our challenge…
Worship service- Child labour and poverty
Coffee and conversation- 3rd world debt- guest speaker, acting High Commissioner for Uganda
Hosted visitors from twinned church in Germany
Theme addressed- Greening of Faith and the environment
Amnesty letter writing (100 cards written0
Monthly letter writing to CEOs and MPs on topics of concern
Co-Chairs: Linda Hearty, Judi McLaren
Amnesty Intl. letter writing
Petition for clemency for Robert Latimer court case (compassionate assisted suicide)
Clean Water Project- Watercan
Co-Chairs: Linda Hearty, Judi McLaren
Amnesty Intl. letter writing
Support to Habitat for Humanity
Workshop on Globalization
Beads of Hope project in support of AIDS pandemic in Africa
Chair: Linda Hearty
Peace marches re war in Iraq
AIDS pandemic in Africa and around the world
Beads of Hope- forgiveness of 3rd world debt
Arar case petition (false imprisonment and torture)
Worship service (war in Sierra Leone)
Amnesty Intl. letter writing
Same sex marriage- support to issue
Chair: Linda Hearty
Child poverty (addressing both issues with education events and petitions)
Chair: Mary Myles
AIDS in Africa – focus of worship service
Same Sex Marriage- CIS spearheaded a three workshop process to investigate congregational support for the issue- which led to congregational meeting approval vote for same sex marriage to be held at TUC
Participated in a review of the Carlington Chaplaincy
Security Certificate Legislation focus of worship led service
Co-Chairs: Mary Myles, Harold Sheehan
Bottled water initiative- TUC became a bottled water free zone
Security certificates- education on what they were and protest of their use
Environment- reducing our carbon footprint
Working with Trinity Outreach Committee on raising $1200 scholarships for Caldwell Centre (Carlington) youth
Co-Chairs: Mary Myles, Harold Sheehan
Environment- “food as a sacred element in our lives”
Worship service on theme followed by soup and bread lunch for congregation
Organized congregational potluck at Tucker House Renewal Centre (organic food)
Alcohol and drug use by youth- worked with Presbytery CIS to organize a weekend event about addictions in our youth
Peace Task Group – focus and input to a UCC policy seeking to protest the use of military force for so-called protection purposes of vulnerable peoples caught in large scale conflicts
Chair: Mary Myles
Joint service with TOC
Petitions organized:: Amnesty Intl. against Arms Bazaar planned for Ottawa; climate change and poverty issues
Survey of congregation – theme chosen – organic food…
Co-Chairs: Mary Myles, Chris Humphrey
Petitions organized- opposing Arms Trade, Health Care issues, Rights of Indigenous people, affordable housing
Coordination of organic produce delivery
Presentation on Tar Sands drilling impacts
CIS led two worship services on above issues
Co-Chairs: Chris Humphrey, Virginia MacLatchy
Theme- Living in Right Relations with Aboriginal peoples…worship service led
Participated in Rally against Arms Show at Lansdowne
Postcard campaign in support of Bill C-300 (Accountability for activities of mining oil and gas in developing countries)
Fundraising in support of UCC campaign for victims of the Pakistan flood
Co-Chairs: Chris Humphrey, Virginia MacLatchy
Aboriginal issues and film screening “Third World Canada”
Economic Justice (2 year focus)- films on System Change NOT Climate change”
Petitions – Action on Climate Change
Greening TUC sacred space and property- e.g. planted wildflower garden
Co-Chairs: Chris Humphrey, Virginia MacLatchy
Worship service- “Moving towards a Just Economy
Council endorsed CIS proposal to join the multi-faith housing initiative
Worship service with Paul Dewar, MP as speaker on “need to have faith in politics and not to be afraid to take a stand”
Project to sponsor a gay Iranian refugee (in a Turkish Refugee Camp)
Aboriginal issues- informative tour of Kitigan Zibi on invitation form Chief Whiteduck
Book Club study “Speaking my Truth- Reflections on Reconciliation and Residential schools
Co-Chairs: Chris and Virginia
Aboriginal issues cont’d: hosted audience of 85 at a Presbytery Movie night viewing “Invisible nation- the tragic story of the Algonquin nation
Plight of Palestinians in the occupied areas of their own homeland
Access to clean water, healthy food
Film screenings: Watermark annd Last Call at the Oasis
Co-Chairs: Chris and Virginia
Theme- :living Waters for all: access to clean water (focus on Ottawa River Watershed)
Presentation by Meredith Brown, Ottawa Riverkeeper
3-D Watershed model shared with Sunday School children, cubs and Brownies at a service
Promotion of UCC campaign encouraging an end to Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory
Co-Chairs: Chris and Virginia
Films on the Ottawa River Clean-up projects
Pathetic state of potable water on Aboriginal Reserves – film
Service on diminished Aboriginal lands
Truth and Reconciliation Walk and CIS volunteering at Ottawa Centre 510 (Aboriginal Drop-In Centre)
March to Parliament Hill to support action on Climate Change
Co-Chairs: Chris and Virginia
Theme of elder care- Service and encouraging letter writing to the mayor and Minister of Health requesting increased home care for seniors
Co-housing project focused on seniors
Climate Justice (2 year focus)- Canadian Foodgrains Bank Good soil postcard campaign
Israel/Palestine situation- petition to city of Ottawa to renounce affiliation with “Canada Park” (initiative by our gov’t resulting on encroachment on Palestinian villages)
Support to Attawapikat- notes of encouragement to youth (high suicide rate) and re-building of a small library for a local school
Aboriginal Sunday service
Co-Chairs: Chris, Virginia
Theme cont’d- Climate Justice and reducing our carbon footprint
CIS service- Lenten Challenge “Give It Up for the Earth”
Film screening “The Wisdom to Survive”
Vegetarian luncheon hosted
Film night- “Story of Stuff” re excessive consumerism and sustainability
Attendance at Muslim Community Women’s association Annual Peace Conference
Letter-writing on Amnesty Intl. Write for Rights Sunday
Chair: Virginia
Attendance at Clean Energy and Climate policy workshop at Carleton U
Earth Day Service- Elizabeth May, speaker (200 in attendance)
Launch of Greening Sacred Spaces Certification Program and formation of new committee- Green Team
Reducing carbon footprint through transportation choices
Theme of Privilege
Anti-Black racism - webinar shown
Chair: Virginia
Theme of Privilege continued: hosted (2) TED talks; day-long workshop with Kitchissippi UC including UC Moderator Right Rev. Dr. Richard Bott
Greening sacred spaces talk
Postcard campaign- Poverty and Multi-faith housing
Gift cards for groceries program continued
Chair: Virginia
Homelessness and affordable housing (declared a City emergency)
Service addressing poverty and injustice
Participation in Tulipathon- fund-raising walk for multi-faith housing
Healthcare for seniors – joint project with Ottawa U re poverty and food insecurity
Universal Basic Income
Amnesty write-athon on-line due to Covid
Chair: Virginia
Cont’d focus on poverty and Basic Income initiative
Event on Universal Basic Income with speaker, Evelyn Forget, Economics Professor, Univ. of Manitoba
Letter campaign to Liberal MPs
Petitions in support of private members Bill Motion 46 (Guaranteed Living income)
Long-Term care home tragedy and change going forward- education to congregation and petitions
Participation in National Day of Truth and Reconciliation
Chair: Virginia
Theme of long-term care (Zoom info events with speakers such as Moira Welsh (reporter and author of “Happily Ever Older" And Andre Picard, author of “Neglected No More- the urgent need to improve the lives of Canada’s Elders in the wake of a pandemic”
Service on theme
Collaboration with Pride Group to explore transgender issues and consider refugee sponsorship
Dec. 10 Amnesty Intl. Write for Rights
Chair: Virginia
Cont’d focus on transgender issues in collaboration with Pride Group at Trinity
Celebration of National affirming P.I.E. Day and worship service
May Zoom event with guest speaker Shawna Rothgeb-Bird speaking on Trans issues
Petition to Provincial gov’t to increase funding for home care and long term care homes Not to be built by “for-profit” developers
Sept. theme- a Christian Response to Climate Change- attendance at workshops/webinars
Factoids and e-blast on Climate change issues throughout the year
Survey of the Congregation for input on future topics of concern.
NOTE: It is with pride and hard work by the Justice Committee, particularly our former Chair, Virginia MacLatchy, Chris Humphrey, Mike Valichka and Mary Myles, that Heat Pumps have been installed in TUC allowing us to get “off-oil” for heating and air-conditioning within the building.
Additional Information: Trinity United Church has also seen the addition over the years of sub and separate committees and initiatives that have been formed out of the CIS, Justice Committee. The hard work and joy of Refugee sponsorships through formed Refugee committees, the Green Team Committee (certification) M&S and Pride Group- The Trinity Jubilee Foundation, all of which are still ongoing and will remain a large part of our legacy of Social Justice in the years ahead!
Prepared by Linda Hearty and Pam Sheehan, Co-Chairs Trinity Justice Committee - August 2024