Ottawa, ON K2C 2B8
Here you will find our seasonal magazine, with articles from members of the congregation and important news throughout the year!
Want to download your very own copy of this week's Bulletin? You can find it below!
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Download a copy of our Annual Report, released at the beginning of the year each year. Here you will see what we've been up to, and where we're going!
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Wednesday, September 11th, 2024
~ submitted by Barbara Vincent and Rosemary Gibb
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 16TH from 9am-1pm.
We would appreciate donations of books, toys and jigsaw puzzles, baking, jams & jellies, knitting and other crafts, jewelry, attic treasures (Harold's Boutique), and Christmas display decor.
Please bring your donated items the week of the bazaar on the Thursday night (Nov. 14th) or anytime that Friday (Nov. 15th). Jewelry can be brought to the church anytime starting now.
If you have items you need help with, please be in touch with either of us.
This is a wonderful way to get to know people at Trinity so if you are available to help in any way, we would love to hear from you.
Tuesday, September 10th, 2024
~ submitted by Danielle Parenteau
Sunday September 15th will be a last day to bring your pieces for peace squares at church. If it is easier (or you will not be at church) you could bring them by my place during the week.
Contact the Church Office for Danielle's contact information
Tuesday, September 10th, 2024
~ submitted by Pam Sheehan
One warm July Saturday, Harold and I came by the church and found Perry Calderwood in the parking lot with the Lazo family, hoping to get into the church. As life goes, we had a church key with us. The following is background from Perry, who has kept in touch with the family periodically over the years.
"In 1983, TUC sponsored a refugee family from El Salvador. This was the second refugee sponsorship that the congregation had undertaken. The Lazo family included mother and father, and four children aged nine to 15. The Lazo family left Ottawa in the late 1980s and settled in Vancouver. All members of the family (with the exception of the father, who is now deceased) continue to live happily in Vancouver. The four children have all married and have children of their own. Saul was the youngest member of the sponsored family, being nine years old when the family first arrived in Canada. He appears in the photo with his wife Blanca who, coincidentally, also came to Canada at the age of nine, and their three children.'' Saul wanted to visit the church and show his family where it all started for him in Canada.
During his visit to TUC in July, Saul asked that his deep appreciation be conveyed to the membership for having sponsored his family and supported it during its transition to life in Canada.
Here at Trinity, by working together, we do make a difference in the lives of so many others, as they make a difference in ours. It is indeed a blessing."
The family wanted to visit the church which had sponsored Saul, the father, when he was nine. His family came from El Salvador in 1983. Harold had his church key and Saul, his wife and three children were happy to be able to get inside. This family now lives in Vancouver.
Monday, September 9th, 2024
~ submitted by Virginia MacLatchy
When we were applying for the Faithful Footprints grant that helped with our greening initiatives and one heat pump, we had to indicate how we planned to publicize our efforts. We decided to dream big and suggested that we would submit an article to Broadview magazine (formerly The Observer). After our last heat pumps were installed last March, Arlene Smith submitted a story proposal to Broadview which was promptly accepted.
If you subscribe to Broadview, check out her article "Turn off the emissions tap with heat pumps", accompanied by a photo by John Comfort, on page 43. You can also see a copy on the Justice notice board.