Ottawa, ON K2C 2B8
Here you will find our seasonal magazine, with articles from members of the congregation and important news throughout the year!
Want to download your very own copy of this week's Bulletin? You can find it below!
If you are looking for a past Sunday's Bulletin, please contact the office and we will be happy to provide you with one.
Download a copy of our Annual Report, released at the beginning of the year each year. Here you will see what we've been up to, and where we're going!
Contact the Church office
to be included in our congregational mailing list
Wednesday, February 5th, 2025
~ submitted by Trinity Justice Committee
Please consider donating towards the Coldest Night of the Year fundraising event! Our city's homeless need help, and you can help by giving your charity towards teams that are walking downtown the night of February 22nd on behalf of those in great need.
The Ottawa Mission has a host of teams involved who you can donate to - just follow the link below, then click Donate Direct, or select one of the teams listed below it.
Thursday, January 23rd, 2025
~ submitted by Rosemary Gibb
The Trinity Jubilee Foundation Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, Feb. 9th at 11:15 AM in Tait Hall, following the service. If you are interested, you are more than welcome to attend.
Rosemary Gibb
Trinity Jubilee Foundation
Thursday, January 23rd, 2025
~ submitted by Virginia MacLatchy
Centre 507, in Centretown United Church on Bank Street, is currently taking applications for positions starting in late January serving food, sorting donations, and prepping meals.
Centre 507’s needs vary greatly over time. Their volunteer coordinator fields offers of help and matches them with the right roles at the right time. In-centre volunteers must be at least 18 years old and commit to a minimum of one two-hour shift per week for six months. Anyone who works directly with the community in the centre must also provide a police check.
If you’re interested, please contact the volunteer coordinator:
Thursday, January 16th, 2025
~ submitted by Danielle Parenteau
There is a great need for winter clothing this year more then ever . A few years ago some of us were involved in supporting the 507 shelter by providing many items like winter clothing, sleeping bags, fleece blankets etc…
Here is a list of items we can provide both for women and men
Winter coats
Winter boots
Hats and scarves
Warm mitts
Sleeping bags
Yoga mattresses
Fleece blankets
turtle neck sweaters
We will provide boxes in the lobby on the right side coming from the stairs. It will start this coming Sunday, January 19th to Sunday, February 16th
Spread the word around you. If you know of any family members or friends who have something to give or are decluttering like me, please let them know.
Thursday, December 5th, 2024
~ submitted by the Trinity office
Join us this Sunday during our service for a Christmas Cantata - The Heart of Christmas by Pepper Choplin. We have been missing this event over the last couple of years, and this year we have many members of our congregation joining in for the joyful singing and celebration of Christmas. Our service starts at 10am, with the Cantata happening towards the middle of our service.
Thursday, November 21st, 2024
~ submitted by Trinity Justice Committee
Trinity United Justice Committee Is Hosting an
Amnesty International Write for Rights Event
Date: Sunday, December 8, 2024
Location: Trinity United Church, 1099 Maitland Ave. Ottawa
Time: 11:30a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
What is Write for Rights? For over 20 years, Amnesty International's Annual Write for Rights campaign has transformed the lives of people whose rights have been wronged. Using the power of their words, Write for Rights supporters have united behind a common purpose: together WE CAN CHANGE LIVES for the better! This year the campaign features people from around the world, all connected because their human rights have been violated. Some by their governments, other by the police or even by big corporations. All because of who they are and what they do. TOGETHER WE CAN FIGHT FOR THEIR RIGHTS!
You are welcome to join us for our regular Service at 10:00 a.m. and then the Write for Rights event will follow in Tait Hall downstairs after the Service. Sample letters will be provided to assist with preparing your own letter(s) and/or take a package home and return your completed letters to Trinity the following week.
Read about the people we are fighting for their human rights and freedom at
Thursday, November 21st, 2024
~ submitted by Jean Meldrum
What: to support the Caldwell Family Centre Christmas Hampers
How you can help: Financial donations placed in special envelopes found in the Narthex
You can also make your donations through Canada Help
When: collecting until December 8th
Special note: The Outreach committee is donating $500 to help purchase pies to go into the Hampers
Friday, November 8th, 2024
~ submitted by Donna Hawkes
Trinity will be hosting a Pro Organo Recital on November 22nd at 7:30 PM. Come experience Soundscapes for Cello and Organ performed by Joshua Zentner-Barrett and Raphael Weinroth-Browne. You can find tickets on Eventbrite, on the RCCO website, or at the door. For further information, visit the RCCO website at
You can purchase tickets on eventbrite:
Thursday, October 17th, 2024
~ submitted by Derek Kitchen
The refugee committee of Trinity United Church has been working with Capital Rainbow Refuge in our sponsorship of 2 LGBTQ refugees to relocate to Canada.
On Nov. 16th CRR will be hosting their annual gala, The Freedom Soiree, at the Canadian Museum of History. Many of us from Trinity enjoyed the food and entertainment last year and are planning to attend again this year. Some of the proceeds from ticket sales are shared with us in our sponsorship efforts.
If you'd like to join us, please get tickets here:
If you'd like to support the event, but can't attend, there is an option to sponsor a newcomer to attend.
Wednesday, October 16th, 2024
~ submitted by Trinity Green Team
Last month we were so very lucky to have our own Arlene Smith featured in the national magazine for the United Church, Broadview. They have now made the article available to view for those that do not have a subscription, please check it out at the link below:
Tuesday, October 15th, 2024
~ submitted by Arlene Smith
A few years ago, Diana Butler Bass entered the Washington National Cathedral. She kneeled and looked up at the image of Jesus on the cross behind the alter. Into her moments of silent reflection, Jesus spoke. “Get me out of here,” he said.
Freeing Jesus: Rediscovering Jesus as Friend, Teacher, Savior, Lord, Way and Presence is her written response to that event and an address to the people who are struggling with what Christianity is doing with Jesus.
Over three sessions, we’ll gather to eat together and then discuss the ideas that Butler Bass presents in the book and our own feelings about the role Jesus plays in our lives.
Tuesday, November 12
Tuesday, November 19
Tuesday, December 10
6:00 p.m.
The Friendship Room
Food provided by volunteers
Bring $5.00 each week to cover grocery costs
Can't make every session? That's okay. Attend when you can. If you can't join us for the meal, feel free to just come later for the discussion portion of the evening.
Participants are asked to obtain their own copy of the book. (Support your local independent bookstore, if possible.) E-book versions are available, and there are a few copies at the Ottawa Public Library.
Look for the sign-up sheet in the lobby or contact Arlene Smith or Jennifer Grant.
Monday, October 14th, 2024
~ submitted by Trinity Green Team
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the successful fundraising campaign for our last heat pump.
A donation of $2,000 from the Trinity Memorial Fund got us off to a good start towards our goal of $18,973. the net cost of the heat pump. A generous donation from the Arbor Memorial Foundation and donations from numerous individuals, some of whom gave their Canada Carbon Rebate, totaled $13,717., as of the end of September. This leaves us just $3,256. short of our goal. Last January, we budgeted for a possible shortfall of up to $7,000. We have done considerably better than that!
The generosity of Trinity folk enabling us to be better stewards of our earth is truly heart-warming.
Monday, October 14th, 2024
~ submitted by Men's Breakfast Group
The Men’s Breakfast Group would like to encourage all congregation members to bring non-perishables and root vegetables to church this coming Sunday (World Food Sunday) and next week.
The items can be brought forward to the chancel steps and added to Derek’s beautiful Thanksgiving Display at the front of the sanctuary over the next two weeks. In conjunction with the Reach-out initiative for Caldwell, we can add this food to the items being taken over to the Caldwell after October 27th.
Friday, October 11th , 2024
~ submitted by Trinity Refugee Committee
For anyone interested in refugee sponsorship and the settlement of newcomers, the following learning even will be very helpful. Even if you aren’t on the Refugee Committee but might be able to assist with a particular task in the settlement of our two prospective newcomers, this event could be of interest.
EOORC Refugee Network Educational Event
When: October 26, 2024, 9am to 2pm.
Where: Glen Cairn United Church, 140 AbbeyhillDrive, Kanata, K2L 1H5.
Lunch is provided.
The learning event will include presentations from the Refugee Sponsorship Training Program (RSTP), the Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO),and the Interchurch Refugee Group (IRG). Our presenters will cover: 1) the services of RSTP in preparing for sponsorship; 2) the wrap-around services from OCISO for settling newcomers; and 3) the key challenges of sponsorship finances and fundraising. After lunch together, we will share our wisdom about the role of the SAH and allocations, settlement work, and supporting our valuable volunteers. Refugee ministry ranges from preparing applications and facilitating co-sponsorships, to “sponsoring the stranger” through the BVOR program, to fundraising and volunteering for settlement tasks. Supporting churches and volunteers through education, and sharing our wisdom and experience, is the Refugee Network’s primary goal.
This event is possible with support from the Refugee Sponsorship Training Program.
Friday, October 11th , 2024
~ submitted by Visiting Care Team
Formerly known as the Pastoral Care Team, we support the minister by offering confidential, compassionate listening to focus on the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of our church community. Whether you're facing challenges, sharing good news, or need support, we're here for you.
As a caring spiritual community, we value listening and can help connect you with Rev. Wayne for a meeting or call if needed.
Your privacy is our priority. Team members adhere to strict confidentiality and have signed a pledge. Team members visiting vulnerable individuals must also undergo a police background check.
Friday, October 11th , 2024
~ submitted by Derek Kitchen
First French Language addition to the Jean Dean Collection of books of interest to the LGBT / Queer Community.
BICHON 1."Magie d'amour" by David Gilson is a children's book about family, friendship, love and uniqueness. It was donated to us by the Ottawa Public Library booth at the Pride Picnic at Kanata United Church in August. Many thanks to OPL and Centre33 at Kanata United Church! Please check it out in the Jean Dean Library. |
Friday, October 11th , 2024
~ submitted by Trinity Outreach Committee
Friday, October 11th , 2024
~ submitted by Trinity Justice Committee
During the First World War, 75,000 British troops died as a result of trench foot. Our community is seeing a return of this disease increasingly among our homeless population. The treatment for trench foot is rest with feet elevated, proper fitting footwear, keeping the feet clean and dry with a daily change of socks. Does any of this sound possible for our neighbours living on the edge of hope? The Justice Committee and TOC are collecting socks to help where we can. Please put your donation in the sock bin provided. Thanks, Trinity Justice Committee.
Thursday, September 19th, 2024
~ submitted by Derek Kitchen
Please join Rev. Dr. Wayne Menard on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 am in the Gallery for the continuation of our discussions in community. Bring your coffee and join us for what has proven to be a time of welcome fellowship and lively exchange!
Wednesday, September 11th, 2024
~ submitted by Barbara Vincent and Rosemary Gibb
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 16TH from 9am-1pm.
We would appreciate donations of books, toys and jigsaw puzzles, baking, jams & jellies, knitting and other crafts, jewelry, attic treasures (Harold's Boutique), and Christmas display decor.
Please bring your donated items the week of the bazaar on the Thursday night (Nov. 14th) or anytime that Friday (Nov. 15th). Jewelry can be brought to the church anytime starting now.
If you have items you need help with, please be in touch with either of us.
This is a wonderful way to get to know people at Trinity so if you are available to help in any way, we would love to hear from you.
Tuesday, September 10th, 2024
~ submitted by Danielle Parenteau
Sunday September 15th will be a last day to bring your pieces for peace squares at church. If it is easier (or you will not be at church) you could bring them by my place during the week.
Contact the Church Office for Danielle's contact information
Tuesday, September 10th, 2024
~ submitted by Pam Sheehan
One warm July Saturday, Harold and I came by the church and found Perry Calderwood in the parking lot with the Lazo family, hoping to get into the church. As life goes, we had a church key with us. The following is background from Perry, who has kept in touch with the family periodically over the years.
"In 1983, TUC sponsored a refugee family from El Salvador. This was the second refugee sponsorship that the congregation had undertaken. The Lazo family included mother and father, and four children aged nine to 15. The Lazo family left Ottawa in the late 1980s and settled in Vancouver. All members of the family (with the exception of the father, who is now deceased) continue to live happily in Vancouver. The four children have all married and have children of their own. Saul was the youngest member of the sponsored family, being nine years old when the family first arrived in Canada. He appears in the photo with his wife Blanca who, coincidentally, also came to Canada at the age of nine, and their three children.'' Saul wanted to visit the church and show his family where it all started for him in Canada.
During his visit to TUC in July, Saul asked that his deep appreciation be conveyed to the membership for having sponsored his family and supported it during its transition to life in Canada.
Here at Trinity, by working together, we do make a difference in the lives of so many others, as they make a difference in ours. It is indeed a blessing."
The family wanted to visit the church which had sponsored Saul, the father, when he was nine. His family came from El Salvador in 1983. Harold had his church key and Saul, his wife and three children were happy to be able to get inside. This family now lives in Vancouver.
Monday, September 9th, 2024
~ submitted by Virginia MacLatchy
When we were applying for the Faithful Footprints grant that helped with our greening initiatives and one heat pump, we had to indicate how we planned to publicize our efforts. We decided to dream big and suggested that we would submit an article to Broadview magazine (formerly The Observer). After our last heat pumps were installed last March, Arlene Smith submitted a story proposal to Broadview which was promptly accepted.
If you subscribe to Broadview, check out her article "Turn off the emissions tap with heat pumps", accompanied by a photo by John Comfort, on page 43. You can also see a copy on the Justice notice board.