Ottawa, ON K2C 2B8
We explore Christian theology and life with open minds and open hearts. We are seekers of Jesus' Way for our 21st century world. Ours is an emerging Christian church, choosing an inclusive, progressive, eco-sensitive path. Our spirit at Trinity is deeply Christian and also deeply ecumenical.
Trinity embraces people with or without church background and we respect the wide diversity of our personal faith experiences. We accompany one another on our spiritual journeys, participating in Sunday morning worship and choosing from many small groups to deepen faith and enrich lives.
Our Trinity Worship Team is made up of spiritual leaders from our congregation who work together with our minister to support the worship services of our congregation. They also lead worship services while our minister is away or on study leave, and arrange for engaging guest speakers. Previous speakers have included Jamaal Jackson Rogers, Roxanne Goodman, and Elizabeth May.
Another regular activity of the committee is supervising the sale of potted plants — poinsettias for Christmas, mums for Easter — that decorate the Sanctuary for the Christmas Eve and Easter Day services. Each plant is dedicated in honour of those important to the purchaser. The money raised by the sale goes to helping make beautiful floral arrangements which beautify the Sanctuary throughout the year.
We are all invited to celebrate Communion. The model for this sacramental meal is Jesus’ own Open Table. Throughout his lifetime, he refused the religious rules and social conventions that defined who might and might not eat together. He gathered and broke bread with all those who might be excluded from full community. So we too, refuse to set boundaries around this meal, which is meant to nourish us all – body, mind and soul – by remembering and re-enacting Jesus’ vision of God’s Kingdom come. Without regard for social status, gender, age, sexual orientation or religious affiliation, we all welcome one another to table fellowship, in Jesus’ name.
The choir supports the minister’s message through song. The intention is to enhance the Sunday morning worship experience, hopefully providing joy and inspiration to the congregation.
Trinity choir has approximately 20 members who volunteer their time because they love to sing. Guests are invited to join the choir at Christmas time to rehearse and present the Christmas cantata. An important role of the choir is to provide leadership to the congregation during the singing of hymns.
The Christian Development Committee supports the faith experience of the whole congregation by offering programs and activities that encourage people of all ages to pursue lifelong learning, inquiry, faith exploration and community connection. The committee also works alongside the Congregational Designated Minister to facilitate our Children and Youth programming.